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Skid Row Housing Trust Building Hope Gala 2022 Highlights

Forbix is proud to be associated with Skid Row Housing Trust and their mission to provide permanent supportive housing so that people who have experienced homelessness, prolonged extreme poverty, poor health, disabilities, mental illness and/or addiction can lead safe, stable lives in wellness.

Based in Los Angeles, CA, SRHT holds an annual gala event to raise money and awareness for this worthy cause. Held on September 22, this year’s event took place at the Zipper Concert Hall on the campus of the Colburn School in Downtown Los Angeles. Hosted by Billy Harris, the evening was filled with live entertainment, celebrity food stations and inspiring stories from those who have benefitted from the tireless efforts of SRHT. Check out these video highlights from the event.

Pictured are Forbix principals and SRHT board members Emil Khodorkovsky and Max Kolomeyer, MC Billy Harris and one of the housing developments.

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